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How does Plastic pollution affect us
 Jun 09, 2023|View:228

Plastic is a great invention of humanity, and its emergence has made our lives more convenient. However, improperly handled plastic products can cause pollution to the environment and endanger our health.

What is Plastic pollution?

Plastic pollution is also known as white pollution. White pollution is an image of the phenomenon of waste Plastic pollution. It refers to the packaging bags, agricultural mulch, Disposable tableware, plastic bottles and other plastic products made of polymer compounds such as polystyrene, polypropylene, PVC, etc., which are discarded as solid waste after use. It is difficult to degrade because they are thrown randomly, Pollution caused to the ecological environment and landscape.

Plastic pollution

How does Plastic pollution affect us?

1.visual pollution

Abandoned plastic brings negative visual stimulation to people, affects the overall beauty of cities and scenic spots, damages the city's appearance and landscape, and thus causes "visual pollution". According to statistics, global plastic consumption is increasing at an annual rate of 8%, and the annual consumption of plastic will reach over 700 million tons by 2030.

visual pollution

2.marine pollution

Plastic waste entering the marine environment pollutes the living environment of animals, and a large number of marine organisms die every year due to ingestion of plastic debris. According to statistics, at least 276 marine organisms worldwide have died from ingesting plastic waste.

marine pollution

3.soil pollution

Plastic products left in farmland can affect the absorption of water and nutrients by crops, inhibit their growth and development, and cause crop yield reduction. Large amounts of landfill plastic waste can pollute groundwater. Due to the small density and large volume of plastic film, the landfill site will soon be filled, resulting in a decrease in the ability to handle garbage; On the other hand, due to the soft foundation of the landfill, harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses in the garbage can easily seep into the ground, contaminating groundwater and endangering the surrounding environment.

soil pollution

4.Microplastics pollution

Due to the difficult degradation of plastics, small plastic particles that exist in the environment for a long time may enter the human body through ingestion and respiration, affecting human health.

Microplastics pollution