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The plastic that was thrown away is back
 May 23, 2023|View:239

Plastic bags, bottles, straws... ? ... all kinds of plastic products bring convenience to our lives, but have you ever thought that you might be eating“Plastic”every day?

In April 2022, the journal total environmental science included a paper from the British University of Hull. The team sampled healthy lungs from 13 surgical patients and detected 39 microplastic particles in 11 samples.


Frozen plastic bags are fragile and easy to eat

Many people are used to buying vegetables, fruits, or meats from the supermarket and storing them in the refrigerator.

The surface of raw meat is sticky, so it's okay to put it in the freezer, but if you put it in the freezer, it will stick to the plastic bag very easily, and the plastic bag will become“Brittle” under the low temperature for a long time when defrosting, it is easy for small pieces of broken microplastics to stick to the meat.

Although most of the microplastics you eat with the meat are excreted in the feces, the microplastics in the human body are no longer“Eat it and poop it out”.

Long-term accumulation of microplastics may lead to vascular embolism, digestive tract damage, organ damage, and other diseases. Inhaling microplastic particles can cause respiratory disease and cancer, and nano-sized microplastics can penetrate deep into the lungs and even the bloodstream, causing damage to the heart, blood vessels, and brain.

Plastic bags and meat can produce harmful substances

Not only can not raw meat, boiled fish, fried chicken, spicy hot, etc., can not be packed in a plastic bag for too long.

Plastic bags have a long time contact with grease, grease, and alcohol in these foods, easy to crack leakage, not to mention, may also lead to the release of harmful substances.

Eating contaminated food may cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and dizziness. If often eaten, will increase the risk of high blood sugar, and high blood lipids, but also may harm the liver and kidneys of children, causing precocious puberty in children.

Plastic bags are made of“Polymer materials”, which are polymerized by“Ethylene molecules” one by one. There are gaps between the polymers, and the“Oil molecules” in food can pass through them, and the phenomenon of oil seeps.