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Microplastics can reach the brain
 May 04, 2023|View:230

Plastic fragments that are usually less than 5 mm in diameter are called "microplastics", and their extremely small size makes it difficult for us to notice their existence. However, its harm to the human body is not small.


In a new study of mice, microplastic particles can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain in just 2 hours after being ingested.

Some microplastic particles can penetrate the intestinal and blood-brain barriers in a relatively short period of time. Plastic particles in the brain may increase the risk of inflammation, neurological disorders, and even neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, the researchers said.

Microplastics have been detected in these parts of the human body

In addition to the brain, a number of studies in recent years have confirmed that microplastics have "invaded" multiple parts of the human body.

1. blood

In 2022, a study published in the authoritative journal "Environment International" (Environment International) showed that microplastics were found in the blood of the experimenters. This also means that microplastics may have spread throughout various organs of the human body, posing great health risks.

2. Stomach

In 2018, the European Society of Gastroenterology reported for the first time that as many as nine types of microplastics were detected in human feces, with diameters ranging from 50 microns to 500 microns. This suggests that microplastics will reach the human stomach and may affect the digestive system.

3. Lungs

Li Mingju, School of Public Health, China Medical University, and others published an article in "China School Health" in 2022, pointing out that the air sampling results of the mannequin showed that a lightly active male can inhale nearly 300 microplastic particles per day. Cellulose and plastic microfibrils can be seen in pathological examination of cancer tissue and adjacent lung tissue specimens from lung cancer patients.

4. Placenta

A study published in the authoritative journal "Environment International" (Environment International) in 2020 showed that researchers tested the placentas of 6 healthy pregnant women, and detected "microbes" with a size of 5 to 10 microns in 4 of them. Plastic particles", indicating that microplastics can affect the human body through the placental barrier.


It is imperative to reduce plastic waste!

As individuals, we should also pay attention to reducing the use of plastic products in our daily life.

1. Use less plastic bags

Going to the supermarket, shopping around the vegetable market, and coming back with a handful of plastic bags in your hand, it seems convenient and easy, but in fact you have created more plastic waste! When you go out to buy vegetables, bring a woven or cloth bag, which is hygienic and economical.

2. Eat less takeout

What is the takeaway box made of? Most are plastic! Not to mention whether hot food will produce harmful substances when it comes into contact with plastic, how much plastic waste you put in for a takeaway meal every day!

3. Use fewer straws

Using one less straw can also help reduce plastic waste.

4. Do not litter plastic products

Don't throw plastic bottles and plastic bags around. Put them in designated trash cans and hand them over to the special environmental sanitation department for unified treatment. This can reduce environmental pollution and reduce the probability of harming yourself.

5. It is best to choose biodegradable plastics

"Plastic restrictions" and "plastic bans" cannot completely eliminate the use of plastics. If you must use them, you should choose degradable ones, which can reduce the pollution of ordinary plastics to the environment.