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How to dispose of dog waste in an environmentally hygienic way?
 Mar 08, 2023|View:226

According to incomplete statistics, tens of millions of tons of dog waste are produced worldwide every year. Most of the poop pick-up bags currently used are non-biodegradable plastic bags, and we all know how harmful plastic bags are to humans.

If every dog pet owner uses plastic bags to dispose of dog poop, it is no exaggeration to say that our earth will be filled with dog poop one day.

Animal waste can contain pathogens that are nearly impossible to kill, which means we can't put pet waste in the vegetable garden. Adding pet waste to other compost piles can cause contamination. Therefore, composting dog waste or composting away from the environment we live in is not recommended.

pet waste bag

How can we dispose of dog waste in an environmentally hygienic way?

The most environmentally friendly way is to dispose of it directly through a flush toilet just like human waste. Yuteng Environmental Protection New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has developed a pet waste bag that can be flushed away directly by the toilet for this purpose. The pet waste bag is mainly made of polyvinyl alcohol, which is soluble in water and harmless to living organisms. It is convenient and hygienic as it protects the environment and at the same time deals with the pathogens that cannot be killed in animal feces.