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PVA material film, alleviate the plastic pollution crisis from the source
 Jan 06, 2023|View:179

Nowadays, plastic pollution spreads all over the world and has become another international threat that directly catches up with climate change. Environmental protection governance is imperative. Whether it is government departments, industry associations, companies or customers, they all have their own roles to play in the whole process of plastic pollution control.
Under this wave of social innovation and development, a new generation of social innovation enterprises and new projects are relying on scientific research and innovation to actively develop and design plastic substitutes to face the dilemma of environmental pollution. Environmental protection companies dedicated to the design, development and application of new green and environmentally friendly materials have emerged in due course.
Plastic environmental pollution is becoming more and more intense, and new materials have become breakthroughs
Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastics enter the deep sea around the world and become microplastics. Thousands of marine animals die because of swallowing microplastics. Due to the consumption of polluted water and food, people absorb 2,000 plastic particles every week, which is close to 5 grams, which is equivalent to the weight of a credit card. Plastic pollution not only harms the surrounding environment, but also directly endangers the future survival and development of human beings.
The environmental protection measures and market opportunities of European countries are ahead of our country. In countries such as France and Germany, the recycling rate of garbage can reach around 60%. In addition, European countries have begun to develop biodegradable materials. Japan and the United States launched PVA film materials more than 10 years ago.
According to data, the market capacity of biodegradable plastics in my country will reach 18.9 billion yuan in 2021. With the steady growth of market demand and the promotion of government departments, the penetration of biodegradable plastics will further increase. It is estimated that the market capacity will exceed 50 billion yuan by 2025. RMB. As long as the production capacity and cost issues are solved, the application of biodegradable plastics in subdivided scenarios such as food delivery and courier companies can make a difference.
Firm belief to decipher the cost constraints of plastic replacement
PVA is the only vinyl polymer that can be used as a carbon source and energy source by germs. It will be decomposed by water, and under the action of bacteria and enzymes, it can degrade 75% in 46 days, and it can be completely degraded in more than 300 days in an ecological environment. degradation. In addition to solubility properties, PVA also has performance properties such as oxygen isolation, insolubility in organic compounds, and polarization. At present, PVA has broad application prospects in more than 50 industries such as daily chemicals, ecological agriculture, optics, and pharmaceuticals.
Over the past ten years, China has mainly used Japanese and American brands of PVA plastic films, which are very expensive. Based on years of experience in new product development, domestic companies have continuously improved processing technology, reduced defect rates, ensured product qualification rates, and used domestic raw materials to achieve relatively good quality and reduce costs by 50% compared with imported raw materials of the same quality. With unparalleled cost performance, domestic substitution is slowly completed.