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The truth about long-term consumption of food in plastic bags
 Aug 26, 2024|View:24
plastic bags

We often use plastic bags in our daily lives, especially when buying groceries or meals. This is very convenient and the price is relatively cheap. However, there are indeed more and more rumors about plastic bags nowadays. Many people point out that long-term consumption of food in plastic bags can easily produce harmful substances, as well as heavy metal substances that can harm the body and pose a risk of cancer. So is this statement true or false? Let's analyze it in detail below.

Main raw materials for plastic bags:

The main raw materials for plastic bags are polyethylene or polypropylene, both of which are petrochemical products. Polyethylene is divided into high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE), and commonly used supermarket shopping bags are HDPE. Polypropylene (PP) plastic bags are more durable and impact resistant than polyethylene bags, and are commonly used in fields such as garbage bags and logistics. In addition, some plastic bags can be made from biodegradable materials such as corn starch.

plastic bags

Long term consumption of food packaged in plastic bags is not only harmful but also carcinogenic? Experiment tells you the answer

In fact, regarding whether plastic bags can cause harm to the body, relevant personnel conducted an experiment and purchased white and colored plastic bags in the market. Using a cotton swab dipped in oil and repeatedly wiping on these types of plastic bags, it was found that different colored plastic bags all showed discoloration.

For this color mixing phenomenon, some additives and pigments in plastic bags were added later. These pigments are not stable and will dissolve when they come into contact with food oils and fats. There are also azo compounds in non-contact situations.

However, this substance has a certain degree of toxicity to the human body. If this toxic substance is frequently ingested, it can cause damage to various items, increase cell damage, and increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is also important to choose the right plastic bags in daily life.

The structure of plastic bags and plastics is not sturdy. The more oily and high-temperature food comes into contact with this type of plastic bag packaging, the more plasticizers will migrate from the plastic, which can cause great harm to the body.

So when using this type of plastic bag in daily life, it is also important to purchase high-quality ones as much as possible. Poor quality plastic bags can also release toxic substances and heavy metal components, which can increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is important to avoid them in a timely manner in daily life.

So when using this type of plastic bag in daily life, it is also important to purchase high-quality ones as much as possible. Poor quality plastic bags can also release toxic substances and heavy metal components, which can increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is important to avoid them in a timely manner in daily life.

What harm can long-term use of inferior plastic bags bring to the human body?

3.jpgEnvironmental pollution: Poor quality plastic bags are prone to decomposition and breakage, which can easily cause environmental pollution and cause significant damage to the ecosystem.

Food contamination: Poor quality plastic bags may contain harmful substances or additives, and improper use can lead to food contamination.

Residual harmful substances: Chemical substances are added to plastic bags during the production process, which may remain in the bags and cause chronic damage to the human body during long-term use.

Plastic particle ingestion: Plastic bags produce plastic particles during the decomposition process, and long-term ingestion may have an impact on human health.

plastic bags

Does hot breakfast packaged in plastic bags have any impact on health?

If ordinary plastic bags are used to pack hot breakfast, it may have an impact on health. Because the chemicals contained in ordinary plastic bags may be affected by high temperatures and released in hot food, these substances may pose a risk to human health. For example, at high temperatures, plastic bags may release carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and other substances, and long-term exposure to these substances may pose potential health risks. In addition, a hot breakfast can accelerate the aging of plastic bags, leading to the infiltration of plastic chemicals.

Therefore, when preparing a hot breakfast, it is recommended to use Water soluble plastic garbage bags or other high-temperature utensils to avoid the release of chemicals from the plastic bags. If it is necessary to use plastic bags, food grade plastic bags that meet relevant hygiene standards should also be selected, and use at high temperatures should be avoided.